Tuesday 11 September 2007

Yarn orders

I went to Micheal's to check out the stock of yarn. I was extremely interested in the Paton's Classic Merino, and in the SWS. However, true to form, the shelves might have been full, but you could not have done anything needing more than 4 skeins. DYE LOT, people. DYE LOT. Maybe that is what happens when you have a system that doesn't care about yarn people, just about selling. I did pick up some fairly basic sock yarn for gifts, but even in that, I had to pick for dye lots.

So I took my yarny self over to Red Bird Knits, and let me tell you, they had a pretty good day. I picked up some of this in Damson, one of Earth 9 (its now out of stock, so maybe that is me!), some of this and this in amethyst, and umm, oh, this in peat! I had a good day, but I controlled myself because I did not order this. I really would have liked to though. Next time.

This is going to have to hold me until I get the pattern for clogs. Then I'll have to pick up some Paton's Classic Merino or maybe some other yummy yarn. There will need to be a trip down to River City Yarns (drat them they are going to have a thrummed mitts class. I really want to do it, but my days are used up) for some Blue Moon for socks, maybe for Christmas but maybe not. Once I get those things done, I might feel as if I have enough to get by with. Or maybe not.

Its rather odd, but for all the yarn in the house, it feels like all of it is under construction (in projects that is) and I have nothing left to think about. Yarn is limitless possibilities, yarn is open vistas, and new horizons. I like how that feels.

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