Friday 14 September 2007

Book Review: Join As You Go Afghans

I don't generally review newly published books, since most often I get my books on the discount shelves. Sometimes great books end up at discount places right along with the rest of the over printed books.

Join As You Go Afghans was printed in 2005, and is still for sale at Amazon. My copy has a spiral bound back, and that choice of binding is probably the books biggest flaw. While the pages will lay straight while you work, they are bound in a too small spiral, and page turning is arduous. According to Amazon, there is a paperback cover now available. The other flaw in the production values of the book, is the placement of photos of completed articles. Awkward is putting it mildly. Maybe the paperback version fixed the flow problems.

There is a good range of patterns in the book for the new crocheter. There are some really nice colour combinations being used, some really nice variations on the granny square, some very nice round and octagon patterns. One really creative piece is a sun shiny happy face blanket, very cute. The yarns used in the book are readily available worsted weights and there are a few afghans that include the use of some of the 2005 trendy fuzzy yarns, even one using Lion Brand Chenille Quick and thick. The books strongest suit is colour without taking us too far from what most people will enjoy having in their homes.

Its a comfortable book. If you are a beginner, and don't know where to go after dishcloths, give this book a shot. If you are a longtime crocheter who really likes to stick closely to patterns, this book will serve you well. Most crocheters looking for a blanket, you will find one that will please here.

If you are a crocheter who looks at patterns as a starting point, you will find a lot of starting points, but not a lot of the innovation that drives your soul. Few stitch innovations, easy colour innovations, mild yarn innovations. But even for you, blankets are comfort and you might find a quick warm pattern to remind you of home.

I fall in between the true innovators, and the comfort crocheters. At first look, I didn't think there were a lot of patterns I would end up using. The second time I looked, I found a few more things I would use. Even this morning, there were a few more things that caught my eye, that were glossed over before. Bursts of Fur, Make me Smile, Spring Plaid (the reason I picked this one up), Stair Steps are all on the list of highly possible.

This books stitches up for me to be a half-double crochet. If you have no in house library and can get a good discount pick this one up, but if you already have a catalogue of patterns, check it out at a library.

Like all reviews, movies, books, this review is really subjective. I've been crocheting a really long time, and have tried all kinds of things. Since that makes me a wee bit fearless, I generally look for more in a book than many would. I paid a little more than I would have liked for this book, 12.99, plus shipping, but if I was buying a few patterns, I'd end up the same. Besides books look good on the shelf.

So there you have it.

A small further note. When I started the blog, I thought about how little I had kept over the years, and hoped to keep a record of the things I do. I worry a bit some days when projects are a little slow, what my direction for the blog will be, what to post about. A regular reader will know that once I get the germ of an idea, I can talk on for days and days. I was cleaning this week (I don't do this often. My sisters will vouch for that. They have probably fallen off their chairs laughing at the understatement). I kept coming across things I have made. I never really realized just how much I have in the house. My bedroom alone is awash with stuff. I thought of a couple more projects around the house as I was writing this. I think the stuff at home qualifies as a plethora.

It fills me with great joy to say: This blog will never be pictureless again!

1 comment:

  1. You don't give yourself enough credit on the cleaning. You've seen my place enough to know real lack of cleaning.

    On thinking you have not much record of what you've created - isn't it funny how we often don't notice or remember what we have until we need to move it or clean it, or someone else makes mention of it? Would that be because we become complacent? Or less aware of the familiar? Or what?

    By the way - I haven't noticed sisters comments, though I don't always look. Are you guys here?
